I copied this letter to the editor out of the Flint Journal. It goes to the point of my book. What do you think about it?
Editorials have been published about members of unions who have abused the system by not doing the job that they were supposed to do; the unions are given the blame for this situation. This seems to be the easy solution, but the issue goes deeper than this.
Often ignored in this discussion is the role of the supervisors who are responsible for firing these abusers. Therein lies the heart of the problem. A foreman or supervisor is the one who needs to discipline the abuser. Management has ignored supervisors who are not doing their job of supervising. Management needs to fire ineffective supervisors who too often are abusing the system also. It is too easy to blame the union while management shirks its responsibilities.
The same principle applies to teachers who are inept but continue to teach. Is it the role of the union to fire that person or is it the administrator who has not observed that poor performance by that teacher? The principals or other administrators have to observe and write up those inept teachers, which will lead to their being fired by the administration and not by the union. Incidentally, the tenure laws are totally irrelevant to this situation. The job of the administrator is to administer. They need to fire teachers who are not doing their job, plain and simple.
If the foreman's supervisor stuck up for them, then they would do their job a whole lot better. But they don't. Seen it time and again that the foreman nailed someone and his supervisor let them off. This goes on all the way up the ladder. I'm sure schools are the same.
Makes it tough for the good foreman on the bottom of the ladder. After a while they just give up, and let stuff slide. Human nature.
Makes it tough for the good foreman on the bottom of the ladder. After a while they just give up, and let stuff slide. Human nature.
The supervisors don't thow anyone out because upper management doesn't have the balls to stand up to the UAW reps that fight to keep worthless members paying dues. You throw them out and they come right back with back pay. So why bother doing all the paper work to give some lazy a#$ a paid vacation.
Let's see..it's the supervisors' fault for not chasing down everyone who doesn't do their job. It's also the teachers' fault that they don't make Johnny do his homework at home. Its' also the police's fault that they don't catch everyone who wants to break the law. Just as a thought..has anyone thought about holding lazy workers, Johnny, and crooks responsible for their own actions?
I have written a book "Life Inside the factory" which details my eleven years as an hourly worker. It explains what happens in the plants. it is available on amazon and Barnes and noble. Please check it out to see if you agree.
How do the "lazy" workers become that way?
So too, should Michigan become a "right to work" state, supervisors will be able to fire anyone, for any reason, or better yet, no reason, with no recourse of action. None. Zilch. Natta. Period. You work for the company for 15 years, you have an impeckable work record, but the boss has a snot nosed 18 year old grandchild who is always in trouble, and can't seem to fit in to society. O.K. no problem. The boss can get rid of John Q dedicated employee, and hire snot nose dumb-butt for way less, and keep the family happy. No problem. Bye-bye.
I have stated time and time again, that unions are destroying the economic backbone of america. I was a foreman and my life was threatened by the UAW workers and I was sent home in Flint Police vehicles, I was stabbed by one worker high on something, I witnessed poor work in the interest of allowing the workers to work overtime, or drinking or using POT on their jobs, and when I issued a reprimand, I was harassed, and it gets worse if the whole story were to be told. But, I also had serious issues with my supervisors as they did not support me when the going got tough, and they were brutal at times when things did not go their way. The problems were simple, most of the workers and supervisors just wanted to make a living. But there was a minority of individuals (union and management) which made life bad for everyone, and they should have been fired. But, management was gutless, and so the goon squad union leaders continued to abuse their power. I had to leave because it was clear the union leadership thought anyone who did their job was a bad person and they were going to gert me and several others - who also left. Flint is a hollow mess due to inept union leadership and Michael Moore and his poor portrayal of Flint and its automotive plants.
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